My Life in Dormont

Last 2017, I and my husband moved here in Dormont for good, but before we end up here, We had been staying from one place to another. One of those is Colorado in Denver. Colorado is a beautiful, wonderful, and mesmerizing city, the city that seems never sleeps. Since I was a kid, I always dreamed of living in a city, where I could stare at those giant buildings and feel the vibe of the new generation. But right now, it’s a whole different story, my husband doesn’t like any vehicular noises, crowded areas, or anything that can distract his peace of mind. Well, as a loving and thoughtful partner I should consider and understand his decision because his age really needs it, I mean my husband has already an age and that’s the reason why he likes a quiet and peaceful place where he could smell a fresh air, see how a flower blooms and can feel not the harm of this world.

Downtown Pittsburgh taken from Emerald View Park on Mt.Washington

So, after Colorado, We, also moved to Pittsburgh where my husband grew up and also where he finished his high school academics. So, We stayed there for a while but not any longer because that the time it was rainy season, I mean the rain doesn’t stop from pouring and maybe the clouds has a lot of tons of water in it. Yeah, but anyway, aside from that cons about that place I still have a pros in it. I was so amazed about the cost of their living, I mean It was so affordable, the foods, the clothes are very less expensive and some of the malls are also tax free and I could’ve been gone to shopping and buy whatever I want. Also, when I got the chance to visit Mt. Washington, I’ve seen the beauty of Pittsburgh and it was breath taking. To sum up even if the place was a ‘Lil bit hilly, it was indeed a beautiful place. After a few days, I had to talk with my husband about the place where We want to live and settle. So we had came to a point of having 3 choices namely Mt. Lebanon, Dormont, and Beechview and guess what it was so tough to pick one, I mean Mt. Lebanon is a good place to settle but the houses are very expensive but there’s a beauty on their houses because it like castles seen in a movies made of bricks while Beechview was a cool place but it’s super hilly most houses are on the hills, roads are too stiff and inclined. But Dormont, it is a place for settlement, a place where we want to spend the rest of our lives.

Dormont is very convenient for us because restaurants are very close, bus station are also nearby as well as train station is 2 minutes away from our house. It’s like we are in the middle of everything we need. We are surrounded by groceries store, bars, convenient stores, and other things that might need of a human being. I also got the chance to speak with people in Dormont and one thing I’ve realized is that people here are very approachable, kind, hospitable, respectful, and careful and I really love it. It reminded me of my home country which is the Philippines where we have a very similar traits. Yes, Dormont is a small place, but it has a very big heart of people. In my 5 years of staying here in Dormont, I have never been bullied, harassed, teased, or discriminated by anybody about of how I look because of my gender. We’re so blessed to find settlement here with my hubby and I couldn’t find any places than Dormont. I’ve never been so happy before until We moved here. So, I have one thing to say for the people of Dormont, “you got my respect and I love you all”.

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