
Welcome to my page guys, I hope everyone is good, by the way I would like to introduce myself, I am Johnny McBride. I’m originally from the Philippines, but I moved to the US in 2016 and stayed in Colorado State, in Denver, where I lived for more than 1 year and half. I studied at Emily Griffith for an English class. In 2017, I and my husband decided to move in Pennsylvania State for good, because the cost of living is more affordable here and he wanted to be near his brother. I started attending CCAC or Community College of Allegheny County in 2017 and is also where I’m currently pursuing my nursing degree.

About my hobbies, I love travelling, walking in a trails, hiking; taking pictures and doing vlogs or video content that features different cities, buildings, natures and streets that’s why I created a YouTube channel names JustMatilda and FinoyPitt. One of my Top favorite cities is Boston. We just went to Boston early this year and spent our days in Marriott Hotel Downtown. The city is really interesting a, there are lots of stores and they gave good transportation system making the people and tourists to have more convenient time to travel and to move around the city.

What really caught my attention when I was in Boston was the North End neighborhood, due to its beauty and accessibility to the city. Its close proximity to the city is such a comfort, short walks is truly enjoyable; during my walks I was able to be entertained by the magnificent building designs that truly marveled me. The building designs in Boston are truly mesmerizing, it is a home for a classical design that boasts rich history and meaningful background which provides you the vibe of European setting. North End, features numerous gastronomic restaurants, cafes, pastry shops and even huge public markets that offer local variety selection of goods.

The North End has train station wherein a variety of foreign restaurants could be found. Commuters could choose from Mexican, Italian, American and a lot more of watering food. It seemed that people would always love to grab pastries on their way based on the good number of pastry shop within the North End Station; the cost of food inside the station is pricy but it is worth every bite because they are serving fresh and one for the books tasting food. I could also feel that the people in Boston are warm and nice based on how they interacted with us during our short stay.

Our stay in Boston is quite remarkable because I was able to collect memories that I would always reminisce relating to the culture in Boston that reflects through their local food, historical buildings and their people, that is why I proudly shared these things on my vlog so that people may be able to experience through my videos what I have experienced in Boston and who knows when the pandemic ends people may even visit Boston to have first-hand experience of what is it like to be in Boston.

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